T-15 FILM EXTRACT: February 2009
Thursday 26 February 2009
Screen Grabs Director

I like these shots because they are where i learned that actions that look unnatural in real life seem natural on film. i asked James to make his doodles more exaggerated in the shot which, whilst looking eccentric off camera, looked standard on camera. The same happened with the speed of James' steps when entering the office, on camera, his normal speed looked rushed and hasty. I asked him to slow his pace, which looked odd in real life but looked and matched the pace of the film much better.

This opening clip from Juno is similar to ours with the lone protagonist walking somewhere with non-diagetic sound, both clips make the audience curious about the character's destination and the circumstances surrounding them. the music is very different in our clip making it darker whereas the Juno clip has a much lighter atmosphere which is also helped by the animation. the atmospheres of the two clips match the two very different endings, one ending in pregnancy, the other, death.

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 01:52   0 comments
Brick Editing

The editing for this clip is interesting for me because there are a lot of close-ups, to mid shots and long shots, this makes this clip interesting and makes the audience tense and wounder what could happen to him next.


posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 01:45   0 comments
Screen grabs Editing

For editing this scene shows the match on action shot that i had done, this cuts from front to back and creates a somber atmosphere.

This screen shot shows quick editing between shots to create tension and make the viewer curios as to what is going to happen next.


posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 01:17   0 comments
Wednesday 25 February 2009

  • Fairly simple and fewer props draws attention to the character
  • Setting was an easy option, however it works as it is about school
  • Times of day change from night to midday
  • Good range of shots and camera angles
  • Point of view shots used well
  • Good range of shots
  • The pace of the film was good and the varied length of the shots was effective
  • Saturation applied was nice
  • The sound captures the emotion of the boy well
  • Sound effect for the boy being shot could be clearer
  • The voice over throughout was good
  • Good voice over, though gun shot sound would have been good
posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 03:49   0 comments
Thursday 12 February 2009

This is our final sequence.

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 01:57   0 comments
We have completed our short extract of our film, and are happy with the end result. Instead of using a new melody for the ending we used the previous sound effect but changed it slightly to fit in better with the mood.

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 01:03   0 comments
Thursday 5 February 2009
We quick timed our sequence and watched it back but whilst watching it back we were not happy with the last sound melody as it did not fit right with the sequence as a whole. Therefore we are now just editing the last scene to make sure that we chose the best sound possible. After this last little bit of editing we should hopefully have finished our sequence.

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posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 02:01   0 comments
Wednesday 4 February 2009
Filming- second time
For this round of filming, we didnt want to stay behind at college for longer than necesarry, so we filmed the extra shots in daytime, knowing we could edit the darkness later. The shots were very sucessful and we were filming for less than an hour. At the moment we're editing using the colour corrector to find the right colour that matches our previous shots.

When that is done, we would have finished our whole piece!


posted by AS Film Studies Students @ 03:27   0 comments
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